Thursday, December 31, 2009

The Candle

I wake up this morning, peering into a dark hallway. Cracks of light are sporadically placed down the corridor. It seems to be solemn and without meaning. Dust is everywhere. Something crawls across the floor. A cobweb up in the corner. Yet, there remains a single lit candle in the middle. It burns without shortening. Beyond the candle, you expected more. Coming up to the entrance, the door was ornamented with shiny metals. Polished to perfection, you could fix your hair in it's reflection. Why the deception?

Looking back, someone unrecognizable comes and knocks the candle over. At first, nothing. Then, a spread of fire. It's little at first, but continues to cover a large footprint on the floor. The fire creeps up the wall. The cobwebs begin to dissolve. Creatures begin to scurry out of the path of the flame. You throw water on it, the flame grows hotter.

The hallway is completely consumed. You're expecting to hear creaks and cracks. Why isn't the hallway collapsing? The fire draws back quickly now. It draws back towards the candle. A *poof*. The candle is back in it's place. The hallway is different through. No charred walls or ceiling. The smell of burned wood is non-existent. Instead, the hallway is clean. It's not perfect. Flaws still exist, but the appearance now matches more closely, the door. Simple, perhaps, but no longer a disgusting sight.

An illustration of an unbeliever? Not exactly. This visualizes my life in it's past, present and future. I've grown up in a christian home, been a christian for most of my life. I've also been a great deceiver. I deceived others, friends, family and myself. My life to onlookers was like the door. It was shiny. To onlookers, I was the typical christian home-schooler who didn't do much wrong. I received compliments. Up through Jr. High and high school, I believed even to myself that I was a good Christian. However, I was ultimately like the hallway.

My heart and intentions were ugly. Pride often swelled up in me. I was caught up in more than just pride though. Arrogance is something I struggled with. Purity was high on the chart too. I fact, I'd say it was the problem I struggled with the most, and is what kept me down the most. I lacked passion and drive as well. I didn't know where I wanted go or what I wanted to do.

Something happened though. Someone came and stirred up my life. It wasn't just one person, it was a multiple people. Too many to mention. The candle is the Holy Spirit. Suppressed and inactive because of my own doing. However, the Candle was knocked over and stirred. The flame spread. Up the walls, in the ceiling, along the floor, the fire spread. This seems to be my life at present.

A passion consuming me to which I can't control. When something tries to put it out, it grows. It consumes my being. I have so much I want to do. Goals, expectations and dreams take captive my thoughts. There are ministries I want to be apart of.
I feel that I can also include in this part a feeling of discipline and learning. The flame in the hallway refines and perfects the look, feel and image. I feel myself continually changing for the better. Eventually, the flame will subside and the candle will be replaced.

I hope this is a continuous process. I hope I am constantly being refined and carved. I will never become perfect, but I desire to become a tool for God, not a dirty, grimy hallway.

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Friendships Unreliable - Pain Unavoidable - Reality Inevitable -- A Call to Love

The title of the blog has 4 parts to it. The first three fit together well. The last part seems to be off on it's own. An explanation is due:

Friendships Unreliable
In life, there will be friendships - deep and shallow alike. Many will be simple. The "chit-chat" friendship. You talk about the weather, perhaps you make jokes together, but neither of you confide in each other. That's ok. Many friendships will be like that in life. In fact, most will be. Rarely will you be hurt by those who are merely acquaintances. However, there are those whose friendships are rooted deep - whether through time, a circumstance, or family. These are the people you would willingly give your life for. You open up and share your struggles and victories. These are the friendships that can destroy a life if they aren't handled with care. The fact is, these friends will eventually let you down. We are human - we fail. They may do it by accident, or perhaps in spite, but it will happen. There is no "if".

Pain Unavoidable
In a deep friendship, there will be pain. Perhaps it can come through a death of a friend, or perhaps though a sharing of one's struggles. More often though, I see a pain that stabs deep in the heart of a person. The stab from a dagger, held in familiar hands. It drives deep and cuts open. It leaves a scar across the heart sealed with tears. This pain will come. I've felt it. It comes without warning. It comes with a blow that will knock the strongest off balance.

Reality Inevitable
This is the real thing. It's inevitable. Without cause or with good reason, a wound will come which will cause you to recoil. If you face this reality, you won't be as surprised when it hits. If you avoid it, you only deceive yourself and put yourself in a vulnerable position. It's a gloom reality.

If I were to leave it at this, one would think, "Ok, I will never open up, I will never reveal my problems or thoughts." I will not, however, end this blog on a grim note. The last part brings it closure; however, first I want to share with you a story.

Recently I was conversing with a friend of mine. This friend had been hurt many times by "friends". Opening up was hard. In the past, my friend had confided in many who were supposedly trusted. However, time after time, each one let down my friend to the point of not trusting anyone. It took a toll. The word used in the conversation was "burned". Without the ability to truly open up to others, many times feelings would be bottled up. I was one of the few my friend had confided in, within the few years.

I related completely....

Time and time again, I have confided and opened up to people I assumed were trust worthy people. Many times it would be a secret that I wanted to share. Within a week, it came back around and everyone knew. It almost seemed the people around me knew what had happened...before it happened. I find something very disturbing with this picture. Do you?

Before I continue, I want to be the first to admit I haven't always been the most reliable or the most trusted friend in the past. I've had my fair share of slip ups. I am not perfect. Therefore, I am breaking this up and writing to two groups of people -- Those who have a listening ear and those who have a seared heart.

To Those who Listen
I hope you are as disgusted as I am by this. Many times I have thought this to myself. "Self - I would never do this sort of thing. I hate it when people do this to me". You very well may be thinking exactly this. Don't deceive yourself. You've let out secrets. Most of the time it's by accident. If not by accident, it's through the assumption that "they won't care if I share this with you". Rarely, (or so I hope) is it done maliciously. However, most of the time, what I've heard people do, and what I am guilty of as well, is telling only one person. You proceed the revelation of the secret with this phrase, "Ok...don't tell anyone but...". First off, you've broken your pact. Second, almost without fail, this person will proceed to another ONE friend and use the exact same phrasing. Before long, the secret is out. Here is a good rule that I stick with. Every conversation is personal, so keep it that way unless otherwise informed. Now, I want to speak both to the guys and the girls.

To the Girls
I want to speak specifically to the girls on this. In all respect, please do not take offense. If you are one who is faithful and trusted, I thank God for your sensitivity. However, the ones whom I have been hurt by the most are girls. Almost without fail, it is a girl who will ask me about something that I might have told someone else about. The reason? Girls talk twice as much as guys do. You don't do it on purpose. That's the way you are built, you love to talk. Nothing is wrong with this. It's how God designed you. However, with it, seems to come the tendency of talking too much about subjects that shouldn't come up. I plead with you to continually be filtering what you are revealing.

I want to tell you something you might not realize. You girls have a much more outward-showing sensitive heart toward things. You relate and are affected by situations. As a guy, I love opening up to a (few) "sisters". These are the girls in my life whom I tell many things to. They show compassion that most guys won't. Don't get me wrong, I also open up to my close guy friends as well (most of the time more so than to girls), but you girls have a special added touch. Don't hurt that. Don't break that. Use it! Use it for the lifting up of your brothers and sisters.

To the Guys
Guys. We have a tendency to not listen. We don't talk as much, yes, which is why less often do we divulge "secrets". We just talk about the dead animal we saw or some ridiculously stupid thing we did. It's how we roll. However, as I said, our ears are closed. I want to exhort you to open your eyes and see the hurt in your friend around you. Whether it's your roommate or your sister, listen and HEAR what they are saying! Do not turn a deaf ear. Many times we don't know what to say. THAT'S OK! Many times we just need to be there and comfort, pray and give a hug. The hurting just want someone to talk to. You don't have to give your "advice". You don't have to quote scripture. Just be a shoulder to lean on.

This is the last section -- A Call to Love. Please consider.

To the Seared Heart
As mentioned above, life hurts sometimes. Your friend perhaps has let you down. You understand my friend's story and mine. Memories came rushing back of a time when your heart was thrust through like a piece of meat. You won't open up to anyone. If you do, details are off limits. All your friends get are the main points, "sub-points" are unshared. You regret the day you even considered befriending and opening up. Let me tell you something - Friendship is a RISK. I will also tell you that this is a risk you MUST take.

Every time you come to someone and pour your heart and soul out, you are gambling. Perhaps it's a gamble with very good odds, but you are still entrusting your heart to another. I want to tell you it's OK to open up. I also want to remind you that you also have probably at some point, done the same to another. You've also hurt someone. You sought forgiveness. Perhaps it was found, but the close bond is not as strong. As you remember this, I want to give you a call to love. If you were hurt by a friend, love them anyway. Remember even when we disappoint and slap Christ in the face every day, He loves us with the same sacrificial and infinite love. We should do the same for our friends. I want you to unconditionally, irrationally, fervently, love them for who they are. NOT what the they have done.

To finish out (if you've made it this far), I want you to read the fourth chapter of 1 John. Love is the theme. No where does it give us an excuse not to love our brother in Christ.

Thoughts and comment are greatly appreciate.
With all Love,

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Thoughts - aren't they the problem?

So often I feel like people think too much. Or perhaps they don't think enough? Maybe they don't think enough on the right things and think too much on the wrong things? Ok, too much thinking going on here....



The past semester has been busy beyond belief. Looking back in my life, there has never been a time before this that my time has been more consumed by activities and school. I'm not complaining because I'd rather be busy than sitting around wondering what to do. I've enjoyed being stretched and tried. Being put into different leadership roles and Christian services has been an amazing learning time. It's tested me and refined me. James 1:2-5.

I've come to the realization that my time at Frontier has been divided into 3 major sections of lessons:

Freshman year - Discipline/Devotions
Junior year - Humility/Inadequacy
Senior year - Leadership/responsibility

I don't think I could have learned these lessons in any other order. There is no way I could be a leader if I wasn't humble and servant minded. There is no way that I would have come to realize that I needed to be humble until I disciplined myself to the point of reading God's Word and seeing how to change!

During my busy schedule this semester, I've been able to think a lot about different things:
Ideas concerning purity.
Ideas concerning boldness and proclamation of the Gospel to those around me.
Ideas on persecution.
Relationships and contentment is another big thing.
Friendships and their affects on people.
Convictions - mine or the Bibles?
Internships - Here? There? Anywhere?
Love - the ultimate sacrifice
Girls - will we understand them....ever? (probably not)

I do think one of the biggest things that has stuck out though is my recent desire to witness and talk to people! I want to tell anyone I run into about Christ. To give out a tract or to love someone. I pray for situations where I might be able to talk to someone about God. Shouldn't I find joy in that?

Another big thing I've been thinking about recently (in the past few weeks) is the idea of prayer! How we downsize prayer! Why do American Christians forget to pray? Shouldn't we look for any opportunity to practically stand in the presence of God and speak to Him? I think so! Should we so flippantly pray to God? I think not! We should FALL on our KNEES and worship God in His holiness!

Snow - it's evil - just thought I'd say that.

When someone hurts, I want to take it from them. Recently, I've found someone who relates to my "problem" of taking on everyone's problems. Feeling their pain. It was a good time and discussion. She's become quite a good friend of mine (ya'll who are reading this, don't take this the wrong way. She's a good friend. No Mom, I'm not bringing home a "pretty princess". She's not that girl).

Is this really a problem? I think it's a blessing in so many ways actually. Perhaps it might affect me in some ways, but I'd rather be able to help a person through something and trade my self-comfort for their assurance that I am there for them even though I may not fully understand their circumstances. A verse that has helped me recently a lot is Ps. 34:17-18. It's been comforting many times since I've found it. Thank you God for Your Word.

Laughter - a blessing, except when you laugh at the wrong time. This happen either in chapel when everyone is quiet and you just got the joke that was told 5 minutes ago, or when something sad happens and you don't pick up on it and you say something sarcastic or funny. Avoid these situations at all costs (unless you want some good stories to tell your grandchildren).

I've enjoyed decorating my room. I have mountain dew cut outs all over and other cardboard boxes up on the wall, as well as all of the cans that my roommate and I have drunken (I know it's not a word, but I like it) over the past semester. It looks like a good 50 cans or so right now. 2/3's are mine...:-).

So, there are my thoughts. Take them, leave them. You might disagree on some things (such as snow being evil), but they are what's on my mind. God is good - end of story!


Monday, September 21, 2009

Life - The Crazy Side!

Howdy Y'all! (That's my southern comin' out in me)

I do hope all is well with you! A lot has happened since my last update. I'm becoming more involved with things at the school. I suppose that busyness is good to keep the mind off the things that it shouldn't be on ...

I've been having meetings left and right it seems. When I'm not working on extra-curricular things, I'm doing school, reading for tests and trying to keep up with what people are doing (Facebook is handy for that).

Take 6 isn't too much work for me at the moment, since I don't have to do much as the sound guy while they are practicing. We are starting early, however. November is our first outing. I'm kinda excited that we are starting this early. It should be fun.

Our first Pulse meeting is two Sundays from now. Our topic is on the Bible. One of the main visual aids that we are going to be using is the fact that God's word is sweet as honey. So we have a lot of games that we will be doing and using props. Pray that the kids will have open minds and hearts.

Our next prayer band is this Wednesday. We are focusing on America this time around and also doing a missionary highlight. In fact, we are having 5 missionary highlights. We'll also discuss the population of the USA along with different religions and such. It will be exciting.

New Ministry!
A new ministry opportunity has risen as of yesterday, Sunday, Sept 20th. For background, the church that
three other students from Frontier and I attend is Bayard Community Bible Church, located in Bayard NE about an hour from school. The pastor has been there about 2 years. His name is Bradley Kihlthua (pronounced Kill - Thow). He is an awesome man of God. Anyway, the high school youth program is pretty much non-existent. He can't run the program on his own because there isn't enough time. He asked me and the other 3 to take over and run we are!

The other leaders:
  • Bethany Viekman (She was also on the camping team with me for the first two weeks)
  • Jenn Martin (Was at Pioneer Bible camp, the second camp I visited)
  • Justin Gienger (Leader/staff at Pioneer Bible camp over the summer)
I've kinda been set as "leader" though I certainly don't feel like one. Pastor Bradley asked us to go over Christian Evidences. Basically, we will be proving why the Bible is trustworthy through the MANY fulfilled prophecies and historical and scientific facts. I'm very excited about the program, though a bit nervous because I (along with the help of the other leaders) will be coming up with the curriculum every week.

We will have about 10 kids starting off (if they all come). I'm excited to see what God does and how He will work through us. We can't do this on our own. Through God's help and your prayers, this will become a great ministry!

I feel quite overwhelmed right now, but I have learned how to keep myself disciplined and time oriented. If I weren't, I'd probably go crazy! (Wouldn't you? :-P). I have been able to keep my spirits up though. Today I managed to trip over my back pack in chapel and land face first into my roommate thigh. It was very humorous. The people around me started laughing, and I started laughing, and it was hard to get focused again ... but we did.

Anyway, some quick praises and prayer requests!

  • That God has kept me joyful in everything I am doing and given me strength!
  • The unity here at school has been very good!
  • That God provides, physically, spiritually and emotionally!
  • For friends!
  • For the small blessings that God gives us!
  • That God is good, and His thoughts are higher than mine!
  • Continued strength in the coming weeks and months
  • Purity (Thoughts, actions, motives, etc)
  • Wisdom in decision making
  • Wisdom in working with the youth group
  • Wisdom in time management
  • The kids at youth group: Open hearts, enthusiasm, and willingness to serve. Also some are probably not saved.
  • Unity with the youth group leaders. (At this point I'm not worried about it all, but Satan is crafty and can easily make things hard if we are not on alert and keeping focused.)
Again, I thank you all for your prayers! As a closing prayer request, it's very hard for me not to want to do it all. My heart is to work with all these kids and different programs. I struggle with saying "no" when something comes up sometimes. Pray that I would have discernment. Next semester I'll be dropping a few things to free up time to focus more on one or two things.

God is MY "I AM", and he loves me. He is YOUR "I AM", and he loves you. Praise Him for His WONDROUS glory!

In Him!
Adam Lancaster

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Frontier Begins!

Frontier School of the Bible has begun on a very good, but very busy note. It was awesome to see people from years past and to meet the new freshman. The classes are amazing. As of right now, I'm taking 15 credit hours a week (8 classes). The classes I'm currently taking are:
  • Galations
  • Theology 3 (Study on Eschatology)
  • Christian Evidences
  • Cults and World Religions
  • Romans
  • Pastoral Theology 1
  • Homiletic 2
  • Senior Project (We quote verses from past classes, build a resume, doctrinal statement, and testimony and take tests)
I'm also taking an extra-curricular class called, "Measure of a Man" with Mr. Husbey (The Dean of Students). It's on better pre-paring yourself for life.

The first two weeks were very hectic. I was in charge of training all the freshman how to do dishes properly (since there are a few critical things to know). I was also trying to keep up with all my school and prepare for a few other things.

The semester will become a bit more busy once more things are implemented and get under way. I'm apart of the Traveling Drama Team again (Take6) and Pulse (which is a once a month program that combines the youth groups from around LaGrange). I am also a prayer band leader, which is where we pray for missionaries in a certain part of the country. I am the leader (along with Rebecca Kirkland who was on the camping team with me) for North America. We'll be heading up different activities and such. The last thing I'm apart of is AMOOK (Advancing Missions On Our Knees), which is a program where we pray for alumni from the school who are out of the mission field. I run the website for them and also help out where else they need me. I also help out in the kitchen whenever they need me. I cook one meal, but I'm also lined up to sub when people can't make it.

So, my hands are quite full, but I have confidence that everything will get done that should get done. I do feel a bit worn out, but stuff gets done, and I'm having a great time!

Prayer is always appreciated!

Prayer Requests:
  • Energy, enthusiasm and excitement as I help lead different programs and chat with people
  • Wisdom for managing my time properly
  • An optimistic attitude
  • Purity (in thought and action and motive)
  • A willingness to serve, even when I feel like not doing it
  • Boldness to stand for my convictions
  • School is still here and strong
  • God is good and sovereign
  • That I have an accountability partner (Stefan)
  • I am busy and hardly ever idle (it seems that's when it's most easy to fall into bad thoughts)
  • The class this year is overall, fairly optimistic and ready to go!
Thank you all for your prayer and support. It's been a blessing. I hope all is well and that ya'll have been serving God with your hearts. Take care!

In Christ,
Adam Lancaster

Friday, August 14, 2009

Week 7 - Camp Lewtana

The last camp of the summer for me. It was a great week. There were a lot of people there from Frontier so it was an awesome reunion. I also had a co-counselor with me, so it helped to share the load. There were 8 kids in my cabin this week, and all of them were sweet kids. My co-counselor was Austin Yost. He is a graduate from Frontier and a good friend.

The first day and night we stayed up at the cabins. After the first night, we took a 2 hour bus ride and hiking down to a place called the "lost fork". It was about a 2 mile hike down hill (which of course meant a 2 mile hike, UP hill). It was an awesome time down there. The guys camped in 8 person tents, and the girls slept in wall tents that were built there before we arrived. We had a big field and played a lot of ultimate Frisbee and enjoying God's creation. We also had a really awesome thunderstorm with hail and a lot of wind. It was cool.

The speaker for the week was Lee...something. I forget his last name. He spoke on the Body, Soul and Spirit. He did a very good job of distinguishing the three. It was very educational. The kids soaked it up too. He had a lot of good illustrations and visual aids, which helped me for sure.

Friday we hiked back out the mountain. It was a bit longer hike up, than down (of course). It was tiring, but we can certainly learn from it. Even when hard times come, we need to push on, because once you get to the top, you can look down and see how far you've come and drink some lemon-aid at the same time.

This summer has been an amazing time to see God work in amazing ways. I am unworthy to be used and work with these kids, but God made it possible. One of my goals for the summer was to see if I could "handle" youth ministry. I believe God has gifted me to work with them and am more excited now to work with youth in the future.

The past week I've been at Frontier taking part in some service projects. Jon and I have been re-roofing the old half of the admin building (with help of course). It's been a great time to think about the summer and reflect upon what I've learned. As of right now, I'm in Grand-Junction, CO with Jon. We'll be back up at LaGrange on Monday and hanging out until school starts. It looks like I will be doing some cooking as well in the kitchen.

I do thank you all for your prays and encouraging words. Prayer is the artillery of ministry, and without it, it would be a lot harder. A few last prayer requests for the summer:

  • I would continue to focus on Christ for strength
  • For those kids this year who have made dedications or
  • This coming year would be focused on God and glorifying Him
  • Purity
  • Optimistic Attitude
  • That the summer was profitable for the glory of God
  • For the kids who accepted Christ as their savior
  • For the awesome fellowship throughout the summer with other Christians
  • That God is good (all the time)
I hope to continue to update my blog throughout the school year. I still would appreciate your prayers! They mean a lot.

In Him,
Adam Lancaster

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Week 6 - Twin Peaks Bible Camp

After a long 2 week break, it's been great to get back into the camping "mode". We headed off for Twin Peaks Bible camp in Colorado last Sunday. It was an amazing week. We did some water camps, and some capture the flag and some softball and a bunch of other things. It was a very fun week for sure.

We normally rose around 7:00 in the morning. That wasn't too bad for me in the beginning. In fact, the first day, I woke about 5 minutes before the bell went off. The next day I woke as the bell was ringing, and then from then on, I completely slept through the bell and my watch alarm. Thankfully Todd was in the same cabin and made sure I was up with all the kids... Today I purchased another alarm clock. I will no longer sleep through!

After waking all the kids we had a devotion time. This was a time for the campers to go and read the Bible by themselves. We gave them about 15 minutes for their devotions, and then we would go around for about 5 minutes and ask the campers what they had learned in their devotions. It was very cool to hear them all talking about what they learned from God's Word.

Breakfast commenced at 8:00. The food was amazing! It was a very close second to Wispering Winds food. After the consumption of our food for the morning, we'd head back and clean up our cabins and head off to an activity, which was either Volley Ball, Soft Ball, or Kick Ball. It was normally against the other cabins. My cabin won one game. It was sad, but we had a lot of fun for sure!

Lunch, then quiet time! Quiet time was when we all got to go back, say verses and inspect the back of our eyelids for about an hour! I loved it!

The chapel speaker this week spoke on creation and science and how it supported the Bible. It was very awesome to see God's creation through a different perspective.

This time around, all my campers were saved. It was awesome to see how God has been working in them. They we certainly a blessing to me. I was able to sit down and talk with them one on one.

Unfortunatly, I don't have any pictures right now, because my camera is broken. I will be getting some from others soon though, so I'll post a few in a week or so.

  • Continued health with only one week left
  • Strength to press forward
  • A continued walk with God
  • A good relationship with the kids
  • Purity
  • For the kids at the past camp (the decisions they made/growth in Christ)
  • God's continued work in my life and others
  • Good fellowship among the team
  • God's Glory and Magisty and Grace!
Thank you again for all your prayers! It's been amazing! I have one week left to go, Camp Lewtana, in Montana (Say that with a southern accent). I have been told that we will be hiking around to a new camping spot each day. This should be an interesting week for sure. I am looking forward to seeing God's creation.

In Christ,
Adam Lancaster

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Fifth Week - Grace Haven!

My fifth week of camping has come to an end. It turned out to be one of the most fun weeks I've had. We did different activities from canoeing to sumo wrestling, to mud-pit steal the bacon/wrestling, to capture the flag at night, to playing ultimate Frisbee with an octopus (Yes, it was a REAL octopus). It was indeed, a fun camp. The camp has been around for only about 5 years. It was very rustic. They don't own any property, so they rented property. We didn't have cabins, we had tents. We also had basically a glorified outhouse for bathrooms, and then we set up a shower that was ran by a hose. It was quite interesting going from an air-conditioned cabin, to a cabin without electricity, to tents. I thought it was fun though. It reminded me a lot of Boy Scouts!

Camp started around 2:00 on Monday. It started out with about 8 kids and me in a 8 man tent. Every councilor had that many kids or more. We were really packed in there, so we set up another tent and threw some kids in there (not literally). It was still a tight squeeze, but we all made it through the week.

Every morning we had a staff meeting and devotions where we went into God's Word, and then talked about the campers in our cabin, whether good or bad. It was very refreshing to spend time with the other staff and not with the kids every morning :).

After that, we went straight to breakfast, and then to chapel. The chapel speaker this year for Grace Haven was Gary Miles. He was a great speaker. God truly used him this week to work with the kids. After each chapel, he had an application for the kids, along with something for them to take home so they could remember what he spoke on and to apply what they had learned.

Over the week, we had about 10 kids come to know Christ as their Savior. Many others also made commitments to share Christ with their Mormon friends! Pray that the fire inside them won't go out.

A funny story that happened: while I was sitting a table, there were some rubber-bandy type things sitting there. I asked what they were, and I found out that they were pony tail stuff. One of the girls told me to put some in my hair. My response was, "No, I don't know how to, but you can go ahead and try"....and so they did. About 5 girls came over and "prettied my hair up". It was quite funny. I also was able to carry a plunger around all week. Did you know that if stick a plunger on your stomach, that it can get a nice suction grab and won't come off easily. It was so much fun.

Anyway, I am now at home for a 2 week break. I am spending time right now with my family and my friend, Jesse. It's been an amazing first half of the summer, but I am certainly welcoming the break. I'll be flying back out to Denver next Saturday. I thank you all for your continued prayers!

  • For the kids who were saved from eternal Hell.
  • For the kids who are now wanting to share Christ with their friends
  • For a fantastic week at camp!
  • That those who were saved at camp, would continue to grow closer to Christ.
  • For those who decided to live for Christ. Some want to come to Frontier this coming semester.
  • That as I am on my break, I don't lose focus of God.
  • Humility (Without God, I can't do anything. The moment I take credit for my works, God loses His)
  • Purity
  • My ankle (I sprained it a bit playing capture the flag and I still have a slight limp. Pray that it will heal by the time I'm back at camp)
I hope all are well. I look forward to seeing my church family this Sunday and sharing about my experiences. Have a good week!

In Christ,

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Fourth Week - St. George!

This past week has been another amazing week. Although our team was unable to counsel up at Cedar Mountain Retreat, God still used us. He also did a great work up at CMR because of our absence there. God always has a plan, and for that I am forever grateful.

This week, we were able to help a Hope Pregnancy Care Center here in St. George move and set up shelves at a second hand store they are trying to set up. It will be a second source of income and also for the moms to come and purchase baby clothes and accessories more cheaply. If we had not been there, they would have had a hard time finding people to help move all the shelves because a lot of the teens are up at the camp, CMR. So, it was really awesome to be there to help them.


Up at CMR, they had to find counselors to replace us because we were not going to be up there. This past week was a high-school group. Unfortunately, they did have very many graduates to help counsel. They instead had to go with other high-schoolers from Keesha's and Rebecca's youth group. They choose those who were most mature spiritually in the youth group. As far as I have heard, the camp was amazing. The counselors took control and it really went well. I was also told by a few people that it will help revive the youth group and help the kids take control and act more like leaders. God had a great plan for the youth group here in St. George.

This past week we were also able to see a lot of God's creation. We went to Zion National Park and a few other amazing places. The landscaping out here is amazing. We went on a long hike down the Virgin River. The hike was called, "The Narrows". You could look up and see rock walls at least 200 feet up, or higher. It truly was amazing. Add in the amazing heat (between 90-100 degrees every day), and a minor league baseball game, it was a great week!

  • The campers up at Grace Haven. That their hearts would be prepared for the message of the speaker (Who is Gerry Miles).
  • For unity in the team
  • A humble attitude. We can't do anything without Him allowing it or without His strength.
  • That CMR went great!
  • For the service projects the team was able to participate in.
  • For God's continual provision and unseen plans
I hope everyone is doing well. Please keep in contact! I loved hearing from those who contacted me. It is a great encouragement to hear from ya'll. Take care!

In Him,

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Kamas VBS (Week 3)

Well, despite the sickness we had, the VBS went fabulous. Most of the time, we had about 6-7 kids, though on one day we had 10. Because of the small number, we were able to spend more time with the kids. Two of the kids were LDS, so it was neat to have them there and have them memorize scripture. It was a most rewarding week.

The typical schedule was a welcome time with Pastor Kirk. Next we did some verse memorization and then a Bible lesson. The kids would then be broken up and half of them would be working with games, and the other half would work with crafts, then they would switch.

As of right now, we are waiting to go to St. George Utah, where we will stay until Saturday when we will head out to Grace Haven. While we are at St. George, we have a few service projects lined up for us. It will be a good use of our time to serve the people there and God.

Thank you everyone for you prayers!
  • We had the kids that God wanted to be at the VBS
  • Everyone has recovered from sickness
  • God has a plan for us even though we don't see it
  • We are all pretty much back to full health, unless for some reason one of us has it and it hasn't arisen yet. Please continue to pray that we will stay healthy!
  • We have an optimistic attitude about the situation we are in
  • That we are bright lights in a very dark area of the nation
Again, I have access to my phone and e-mail. I'd love to hear from those who are supporting this team in prayer!

In Christ,

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Update! (Sickness) :-(

Well, remember that last prayer request about some of us who were sick? Well, Todd and I were tested for Swine flue. Two of the kids in my cabin last week contracted it this week, along with another kid in Todd's cabin during the week of camp we were there. Both Todd and I haven't been feeling well the past few days. Todd has had a fever and I've had a very bad sore throat. I actually had to stop talking (can you believe that?). Anyway, the test results came back negative for me, but positive for Todd. He is just now getting over it, but because of that, the camp we were going to next week does not want us coming up. I'm unsure what we are going to be doing this coming week. I'll find out more tonight or tomorrow. Please be praying. I know that God has a plan and I'm real excited to find out what it is going to be! Feel free to give me a call anytime!

In Christ,

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Second Week - Pioneer Bible Camp

Pioneer Bible Camp was amazing. I had 8 kids in my cabin, the same as last week. The cabins were a bit different though from Whispering Winds Bible Camp. We went from an air-condition, heated showers in the room, lights and plugs to no electricity in the cabins, nor air, and the shower house was down the hill and half the time the hot water had run out. It was a very different contrast, but I had a blast.

The schedule was a bit different this time. It was very structured, even down to the free time we had. I did enjoy that though. One of the events scheduled was a “skill-class” time. There were different ones the kids could sign up for, such as baseball, wilderness survival, first aid, evangelism, choir and drama. I was heading up drama (along with another staff member, Kyla). I had such a blast. The kids were great to work with, and over all, the skits went very smoothly at the end of the week.

I did have a bit of a rough mid-week time. Two of my campers were quite difficult to deal with. They tested my patience a lot during the week. I became very emotionally and physically drained. However, God is sufficient and sustained me through out the week. I came to rely very much on God and reading the Bible. Ephesians became my encouragement book for the week. It was very interesting actually, because at the beginning of the week, I asked God for more trials in my life because I know that when I am being stretched, I come closer to God. Well, “Be careful what you wish for”, because I got two of them. I wasn’t sure how it was going to all pan out, but God is good, and the week ended on a very good note. In fact, both kids turned around and became a delight.

As of right now, we are in Kamas, Utah for a VBS all week. It will only last about 2 hours a day but, I know that I will be profitable. It will also be a good time to recuperate from last week. We have also switched Bethany Viekman and Kristina Kelly with Keesha Sedwick and Rebecca Kirkland. Although their presence will be missed (we had some great, memorable times), we are all certainly happy to have both Becca and Keesha with us.


  • That God sustained me and the team throughout week
  • For the kids who made big decisions or were saved
  • That everyone was safe
  • The Becca and Keesha made it safely back from Uganda and met up with us without problem


  • A few of us could possibly be getting sick
  • We would be lights to the kids this week. The ages are from K-6th Grade.
  • Unity with the team (No troubles now, but no reason not to pray for it)
  • That God would continue to be glorified!

That is all for now. I will have a bit of internet access throughout the week, along with cell phone access. Please give me a call or send me an e-mail.

In Christ,

Adam Lancaster

Saturday, June 13, 2009

First Week - Whispering Winds

Whispering Winds Bible Camp has officially ended. This was my first week of camp as a cabin counselor and it was a joy! It was exciting! I had a cabin of 8 guys. It ranged from the guys who are crazy and hyper to some really calm and relaxed kids. All of them were a blessing to me.

We had a lot of fun activities, such as canoeing and water games and adventure games. A lot of the games were team building. I wrote down many good ideas for future camps. The typical schedule was as such:

7:00 am - Wake up
7:20 am-7:50 am - Kids do personal devotions
7:50 am-8:00 am - Flag Pole
8:00 am-8:30 am - Breakfast

From here we had missionary hour where we had a guest missionary speak every day.
Next we had a Bible Memory Time where the kids memorized verses for the team.
We then had a chapel session where Nelson Miles spoke. He did an excellent job. I was always enthralled by what he had to say.

12:45 pm - Lunch time

After lunch we had afternoon activities. Tuesday, half the kids went canoeing (which I was a part of that day) and the other half went paint balling. Tuesday canoeing was very interesting because about half way into the trip, it started storming. We left at 1:30 and were supposed to be back at 6:00. However, we did not get back until 8:00 that evening. It was a good trip though.

Later on in the evening, we had another chapel service that Mr. Miles spoke in. Each service went about 1 hour or so. Before each of the services, we sang 3-4 songs. It was a real time of rejuvenation to sing and praise God before learning about Him.

I believe my favorite part of the camp were the devotionals that I did with the kids at night. I was really able to talk with the kids and some of them seem to take it seriously.

With the first week done, we are headed to Utah for Pioneer Bible Camp. I am looking forward to another week of camp! I hope that God will be able to use me just as much there as He was at WWBC.

If you could pray for these things:
  • My voice (I've been loosing it since Thursday)
  • Energy with the kids
  • A consistent walk with God
  • Purity
  • An openness with the kids
I look forward to see what is going to happen next. Thank you for you prayers and support!

In Him,

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Starting Out - Summer Camps!

Howdy all!

This is my first blog! Hopefully I will be able to update periodically on what is happening over the summer. In case you haven't heard, I was invited to be on the Frontier Traveling Camping Team. Six of us will travel around the western portion of the USA and counsel at different summer camps. I am very much looking forward to what is in store.

The members are as such:

Todd & Christie Boone
Jon Henry
Bethany Viekman (For the first 2 weeks)
Kristina Kelly (For the first 2 weeks)
Rebbecca Kirkland (From third week on)
Keesha Sedgwick (From the third week on)

I am flying on tomorrow (June 3rd) to Frontier. We will stay there for a few days and do some final preparation and head out on the 6th. Here is the schedual for the summer:

Whispering Winds Bible Camp
June 7th - Arrive at camp
June 8th-13th - Camp
June 13th - Leave for Pioneer Bible Camp

Pioneer Bible Camp
June 14th - Arrive at camp
June 15th-20th - Camp
June 20th - Leave for Kamas Bible church

Kamas Bible Church (VBS)
June 20th Arrive at Kamas
June 22th-25th - VBS
June 25th - Leave for St. George

Cedar Mountain Retreat
June 25th - Arrive in St. George
June 29th-July 3rd - Camp
July 4th - Leave for Grace Haven Camp

Grave Haven Camp
July 4th - Arrive at Springville
July 6th-10th - Camp
July 11th - Leave for Charlotte

Break (July 11th - 25th)
July 25gth - Arrive at Lagrange
Twin Peaks Bible Camp
July 26th - Leave for Camp
July 27th-Aug 1st - Camp
Aug 1st or 2nd - Return to LaGrange

Camp Lewetana
Aug 3rd - Leave for Camp
Aug 4th-9th - Camp
Aug 10th - Return to LaGrange

That's the rough schedule of my summer. Hopefully I will be able to update at the end of each camp (assuming there is access to internet).

A few quick prayer requests:
  • Wisdom with the campers as I counsel them
  • Patience
  • That I would be an example to the kids and other counselors
  • I would continue to grow in Christ
  • Purity in thought, motives and actions
I appreciate you taking the time to read this! Have a great summer!

In Christ,
Adam Lancaster