Saturday, July 4, 2009

Fourth Week - St. George!

This past week has been another amazing week. Although our team was unable to counsel up at Cedar Mountain Retreat, God still used us. He also did a great work up at CMR because of our absence there. God always has a plan, and for that I am forever grateful.

This week, we were able to help a Hope Pregnancy Care Center here in St. George move and set up shelves at a second hand store they are trying to set up. It will be a second source of income and also for the moms to come and purchase baby clothes and accessories more cheaply. If we had not been there, they would have had a hard time finding people to help move all the shelves because a lot of the teens are up at the camp, CMR. So, it was really awesome to be there to help them.


Up at CMR, they had to find counselors to replace us because we were not going to be up there. This past week was a high-school group. Unfortunately, they did have very many graduates to help counsel. They instead had to go with other high-schoolers from Keesha's and Rebecca's youth group. They choose those who were most mature spiritually in the youth group. As far as I have heard, the camp was amazing. The counselors took control and it really went well. I was also told by a few people that it will help revive the youth group and help the kids take control and act more like leaders. God had a great plan for the youth group here in St. George.

This past week we were also able to see a lot of God's creation. We went to Zion National Park and a few other amazing places. The landscaping out here is amazing. We went on a long hike down the Virgin River. The hike was called, "The Narrows". You could look up and see rock walls at least 200 feet up, or higher. It truly was amazing. Add in the amazing heat (between 90-100 degrees every day), and a minor league baseball game, it was a great week!

  • The campers up at Grace Haven. That their hearts would be prepared for the message of the speaker (Who is Gerry Miles).
  • For unity in the team
  • A humble attitude. We can't do anything without Him allowing it or without His strength.
  • That CMR went great!
  • For the service projects the team was able to participate in.
  • For God's continual provision and unseen plans
I hope everyone is doing well. Please keep in contact! I loved hearing from those who contacted me. It is a great encouragement to hear from ya'll. Take care!

In Him,


  1. Just saw that we can comment on your blog.

    Great update and glad to see you are having some very unique experiences which are helping you grow in the Lord.

    Keep the updates coming!



  2. Thank you for letting us know what you're up to. =)
