Monday, April 12, 2010

Eyes with depth

People talk about different physical attributes that they notice first on people. Some will look at their face. Some look at hands. Some might look at posture and how one carries their self. The thing that catches me are the eyes in people. I can tell a lot about a person from their eyes. The more I come to know a person, the more I have a window into their lives, especially with their eyes. If I know you well, I can sense frustration, pain, fear. I can sense joy and happiness. Even if it's just a passing wave, a person can communicate a lot with just their eyes.

I look at some people, and I see a depth I can't measure with wisdom hidden behind them. A soft, yet stern look that shows character and experience in life. These eyes could include people like my dad, or Mr. Seymour or Mr. Preslar. All of whom are major figures in my life. Ironically, all also have a sense of humor that comes out through their eyes (although the senses of humor are completely different). When I see them, I feel safe.

Other people have a sensitive look about them. They are eyes that say, "Come, talk to me. You can trust me. I will listen." I feel a certain comfort around them that I can't exactly explain. It's a motherly look...perhaps that explains it? Obviously, my mom is included in this. Mrs. Seymour also has the same. Another person that comes to mind as well is Mrs. Preslar. Though I don't talk with her much, I see so much sensitivity in her eyes. They are eyes like these that make me feel better, even when life sucks.

With both of those groups, more people could be included. However this other "group" of eyes, few people can be included. They are eyes that pierce through me. Not stabbing pierce, but one of care and concern. They know when I'm hurting and when I'm happy. Some have come to read me so well that they know what I'm thinking, without having to ask (sometimes it's creepy [you know who you are, :-P]). I feel like I can't hide anything from them. They are eyes that can say, "I care about you", without having to say a word. They are those who are closest to me. People like my room-mate Stefan, or Bethany, or Steph. I feel myself around them.

A well known sayings goes, "The eyes are the window to the soul..." I agree whole heatedly....


  1. MWAHAHAHA! i have piercing eyes. That's wonderful :0)

  2. I enjoyed this post, Adam, sincerely. And then I got to the last sentence and the last word.....=-D Personally, I think the error gives it even more emphasis. hehe
