Saturday, March 12, 2011

God induced Frustration. I think He does it on purpose...

Interesting title - don't you think?

Recently, I've kinda had my plans go down the toilet. I thought I had everything figured out. In fact, I thought I knew what God had planned for me in the next couple of years - at least in a general sense. Apparently, I didn't have God figured out...

It seems that God throws curve balls all the time. Sometimes, I think He does it on purpose, just to keep us on our toes. But that's good. I think recently, I'd rather be uncomfortable with God's plan than comfortable with mine. It just seems to bring more excitement into life.

At one point I had planned to stay in one place and minister there for a few years. I wanted to take root and make a difference. God didn't think it was a good idea. I learned to stop arguing with God. I've had many conversations like this one:
"God I'll do this, but not this"
"No - you're going to do that too"
"No God, I'm satisfied doing this. It's a good thing"
"Nope. This too."
"Ok - fine, I'll do that, but not this"
"'re gonna do that too"
"But - I can't. I don't know how. I won't"
"Doesn't matter - I'm God - you're gonna do it!"
"I don't wanna! It's scary!"
"Yeah - but I'm God..."
"Ok - fine. That too...but not THIS!"

And so on. At one point - I realized that having these conversations just frustrates me more. God knows what He's doing. When ever I have a "but I" He has a, "But I'm God". He always knows better than I do. He's given me strength in places and during times I most needed.

God Stretches. I feel like gumby some times. You know that character made out of taffy or something. Stretches and stuff. Does crazy shapes. That's me sometimes. It's good. I enjoy it most of the time. I think God enjoys it too. Not in a cynical type of way - but in a "That's my son, and I want him to grow" type of a way.

God's in the business of making us more Christ-like. I hope I'm a good employee.

Stress comes without warning sometimes. Life just doesn't go your way. You hurt - others hurt. Pain. Emotional, physical. I don't know how to deal with some of it. It's out of nowhere. You pray - and hope for a solution. Instead of a cure - more often than not, we receive more.

Instead of asking for a relief, should I instead ask for belief?

God you know what You're doing - even in the midst of a storm. My only comfort is in You. Stabilize. Energize. Revive/Emotionally. Physically. Spiritually. Amen.

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