Sunday, January 3, 2010

The special females in my life...

There have been many "sisters" in my life who have influenced me or taken a special seat in my heart. I want to say thank you to a few. All have had some special memory or I have some quality that sticks out to me. I can't mention all of you, don't take offense if I didn't. I just can't name you all. :-).

First off, Mom. Obviously you're up front, because you birthed me. I was told that I was a huge baby, so I probably was a pain in the butt (pun intended). You've put up with my antics and annoying quirks that I've had. I know I was hard to to deal with during my high school years. I was in, "The Fog" as Dad so often said. However, you stuck with me, didn't send me off to boarding school, and didn't kill me either. You've been a huge example in my life on what a godly woman looks like and quality traits that I should look for in wife. You have a tender heart for people around you, even those who you hardly know. It rubs off on me. Thanks for being a listening ear. I've enjoyed the talks we have, and the talks we will have. I love you, :-).

Rachel -- we've also had our fair share of hard times, especially when I was a jerk (and I often times was). What I don't understand is how you still respect me as an older brother. You often ask if I need something, or want to spend time with me. I wouldn't ask to spend time with myself if I had been a jerk to myself. I guess you're just a good little sister. I also admire your backbone. I don't think you have any trouble speaking your mind, girls and guys alike. That's great! There isn't ever going to be a guy that is going to take advantage of you.

Hannah, I think you probably understand my personality the most in the family. You're probably most like me. You make puns the same as I do, have the same sense of humor, and even have a loud laugh like I do. You enjoy life. You're ready to put yourself to a challenge. You're a good friend to those around you, even sometimes when they might not deserve it. I hope you continue to grow and serve God.

Mandy, you've become a close valued friend of mine. I can't fully express the gratitude I have for you, nor how you've helped me through many hard time. There have been times when I've been stupid or selfish, and you just listened as I rambled, then helped to see what I was actually saying. When I needed someone to vent to, you were there, even when you were tired. When I was feeling down, and words couldn't express, you understood.
I also want you to know that through some of the hard times you've been through, you've encouraged me. I've loved watching how you learn about God, rely on His strength and keep pushing through. You have great courage, and it gives me courage as well.

Steph, you've become one of the newest additions to my outside-of-blood sister family, :-P. You call me "kid", even though I'm older than you. I love that. It's one of your forms of affirmation that sticks out to me, and I know there are more words behind the three letters. You ask me how I'm doing, and you honestly want to know. We play the "box" game. Thanks for asking questions about my life, and then pushing for the REAL answers, not the fake ones I might give sometimes. I also appreciate your bluntness with me. If something is wrong, you tell me. You don't beat around the bush because you know how dense us guys can be. Also, I love how we can do our "awkward" quirks to each other and freak the other people around us out. It's great fun! :-)

Amanda, you've also become a great friend of mine. I love hanging out with you, especially on our movie nights. You're honest and blunt, and as I've told you before, I respect this about you. You're fun to be with, and you're always seeking truth. If something doesn't "ring" right with what you feel is right, you search it out. You don't take, "I don't understand" for an answer. It compels me to do the same.

Cait, I have one question. Why didn't we hang out more in years past? You are GREAT fun to talk with. In the morning, when I'm rolling in around 5:45, you've been up an hour before and greet me and I'm like, "". You're level headed. I love that fact about you. Even if things are just messing up everywhere, you still at least seem to have something under control. You're easy to talk to. Thanks.

To the many unnamed "sisters", I thank you as well. Not enough room or time to mention everyone. You know who you are. I've thanked you before for what you do, or your how you've affect my life. . . .

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