Camp started around 2:00 on Monday. It started out with about 8 kids and me in a 8 man tent. Every councilor had that many kids or more. We were really packed in there, so we set up another tent and threw some kids in there (not literally). It was still a tight squeeze, but we all
Every morning we had a staff meeting and devotions where we went into God's Word, and then talked about the campers in our cabin, whether good or bad. It was very refreshing to spend time with the other staff and not with the kids every morning :).
After that, we went straight to breakfast, and then to chapel. The chapel speaker this year for Grace Haven was Gary Miles. He was a great speaker. God truly used him this week to work with the kids. After each chapel, he had an application for the kids, along with something for them to take home so they could remember what he spoke on and to apply what they had learned.
Over the week, we had about 10 kids come to know Christ as their Savior. Many others also made commitments to share Christ with their Mormon friends! Pray that the fire inside them won't go out.
A funny story that happened: while I was sitting a table, there were some rubber-bandy type things sitting there. I asked what they were, and I found out that they were pony tail stuff. One of the girls told me to put some in my hair. My response was, "No, I don't know how to, but you can go ahead and try"....and so they did. About 5 girls came over and "prettied my hair up". It was quite funny. I also was able to carry a plunger around all week. Did you know that if stick a plunger on your stomach, that it can get a nice suction grab and won't come off easily. It was so much fun.
Anyway, I am now at home for a 2 week break. I am spending time right now with my family and my friend, Jesse. It's been an amazing first half of the summer, but I am certainly welcoming the break. I'll be flying back out to Denver next Saturday. I thank you all for your continued prayers!
- For the kids who were saved from eternal Hell.
- For the kids who are now wanting to share Christ with their friends
- For a fantastic week at camp!
- That those who were saved at camp, would continue to grow closer to Christ.
- For those who decided to live for Christ. Some want to come to Frontier this coming semester.
- That as I am on my break, I don't lose focus of God.
- Humility (Without God, I can't do anything. The moment I take credit for my works, God loses His)
- Purity
- My ankle (I sprained it a bit playing capture the flag and I still have a slight limp. Pray that it will heal by the time I'm back at camp)
In Christ,