Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Frontier Begins!

Frontier School of the Bible has begun on a very good, but very busy note. It was awesome to see people from years past and to meet the new freshman. The classes are amazing. As of right now, I'm taking 15 credit hours a week (8 classes). The classes I'm currently taking are:
  • Galations
  • Theology 3 (Study on Eschatology)
  • Christian Evidences
  • Cults and World Religions
  • Romans
  • Pastoral Theology 1
  • Homiletic 2
  • Senior Project (We quote verses from past classes, build a resume, doctrinal statement, and testimony and take tests)
I'm also taking an extra-curricular class called, "Measure of a Man" with Mr. Husbey (The Dean of Students). It's on better pre-paring yourself for life.

The first two weeks were very hectic. I was in charge of training all the freshman how to do dishes properly (since there are a few critical things to know). I was also trying to keep up with all my school and prepare for a few other things.

The semester will become a bit more busy once more things are implemented and get under way. I'm apart of the Traveling Drama Team again (Take6) and Pulse (which is a once a month program that combines the youth groups from around LaGrange). I am also a prayer band leader, which is where we pray for missionaries in a certain part of the country. I am the leader (along with Rebecca Kirkland who was on the camping team with me) for North America. We'll be heading up different activities and such. The last thing I'm apart of is AMOOK (Advancing Missions On Our Knees), which is a program where we pray for alumni from the school who are out of the mission field. I run the website for them and also help out where else they need me. I also help out in the kitchen whenever they need me. I cook one meal, but I'm also lined up to sub when people can't make it.

So, my hands are quite full, but I have confidence that everything will get done that should get done. I do feel a bit worn out, but stuff gets done, and I'm having a great time!

Prayer is always appreciated!

Prayer Requests:
  • Energy, enthusiasm and excitement as I help lead different programs and chat with people
  • Wisdom for managing my time properly
  • An optimistic attitude
  • Purity (in thought and action and motive)
  • A willingness to serve, even when I feel like not doing it
  • Boldness to stand for my convictions
  • School is still here and strong
  • God is good and sovereign
  • That I have an accountability partner (Stefan)
  • I am busy and hardly ever idle (it seems that's when it's most easy to fall into bad thoughts)
  • The class this year is overall, fairly optimistic and ready to go!
Thank you all for your prayer and support. It's been a blessing. I hope all is well and that ya'll have been serving God with your hearts. Take care!

In Christ,
Adam Lancaster

1 comment:

  1. Hey! It sounds like you are super busy! One thing tickled my funny bone ... training freshman in the kitchen! :) Package should arrive this week. There are two variations of your favorite cookies.

    Love, Mom
    Btw, the only "Comment as" option that makes sense to me is "Anonymous"? There is never an option for my name. Why is that
