Saturday, June 13, 2009

First Week - Whispering Winds

Whispering Winds Bible Camp has officially ended. This was my first week of camp as a cabin counselor and it was a joy! It was exciting! I had a cabin of 8 guys. It ranged from the guys who are crazy and hyper to some really calm and relaxed kids. All of them were a blessing to me.

We had a lot of fun activities, such as canoeing and water games and adventure games. A lot of the games were team building. I wrote down many good ideas for future camps. The typical schedule was as such:

7:00 am - Wake up
7:20 am-7:50 am - Kids do personal devotions
7:50 am-8:00 am - Flag Pole
8:00 am-8:30 am - Breakfast

From here we had missionary hour where we had a guest missionary speak every day.
Next we had a Bible Memory Time where the kids memorized verses for the team.
We then had a chapel session where Nelson Miles spoke. He did an excellent job. I was always enthralled by what he had to say.

12:45 pm - Lunch time

After lunch we had afternoon activities. Tuesday, half the kids went canoeing (which I was a part of that day) and the other half went paint balling. Tuesday canoeing was very interesting because about half way into the trip, it started storming. We left at 1:30 and were supposed to be back at 6:00. However, we did not get back until 8:00 that evening. It was a good trip though.

Later on in the evening, we had another chapel service that Mr. Miles spoke in. Each service went about 1 hour or so. Before each of the services, we sang 3-4 songs. It was a real time of rejuvenation to sing and praise God before learning about Him.

I believe my favorite part of the camp were the devotionals that I did with the kids at night. I was really able to talk with the kids and some of them seem to take it seriously.

With the first week done, we are headed to Utah for Pioneer Bible Camp. I am looking forward to another week of camp! I hope that God will be able to use me just as much there as He was at WWBC.

If you could pray for these things:
  • My voice (I've been loosing it since Thursday)
  • Energy with the kids
  • A consistent walk with God
  • Purity
  • An openness with the kids
I look forward to see what is going to happen next. Thank you for you prayers and support!

In Him,


  1. who let you do the driving


  2. Well, no wonder you're losing your voice, if you keep letting it loose. Keep better control on it and that should take care of things. =-D

  3. It's good to see you blogging! We'll be praying for your camp adventures.
